MF3D ToolsΒΆ

This page lists some of the software tools that have been developed in the process of creating and refining MF3D. The code itself is entirely open-source under the GNU General Public License GNU GPLv3 and can be accessed via GitHub (see links below), although some of the tools are written for proprietary software such as Matlab (since this is commonly used by research scientists). Click the blue button on each card to learn more.


Stimulus Editor GUI

A graphical user interface programmed in Matlab to assist with selection and editing of static image stimuli from the MF3D stimulus sets.


Animation Compiler Script

A Python script for compiling video animation clips from the MF3D stimulus sets in the Blender video editor.


Motion parameter estimation GUI

A graphical user interface programmed in Matlab to help with estimating frame-by-frame facial motion from video clips of real animals.